
MPSlib is developed in C++, that provides both a C++ class, with wich different sequential simulation algorithms can be implemented, and three example implementations.

Details about the design of the mpslib C++ class can be found in [HANSEN2016]. (link).

MPS is a namespace that contains different classes.

Briefly described, the main class is the MPSalgorithm class, which implements the sequential simulation algorithm (using multiple girds), methods for reading and writing 3D gridded data, methods for reading known data values (known as hard and soft data), and methods for establishing a data neighborhood, and controlling the simulation path.

Two abstract member functions are defined, but not implemented: MPSAlgorithm::readConfig and MPSAlgorithm::simulate

In order to implement a spceific algorithm one must therefore needs to create a class that inherits MPSAlgorithm, and that implements MPSAlgorithm::readConfig and MPSAlgorithm::simulate.

Two subclasses, ENESIM and SNESIM extends MPSalgorithm to allow ENESIM and SNESIM type simulation. Finally, the three core algorithms are implemented based on these classes.


EX: The ENESIM Class

The ENESIM CLASS is inherited from the MPSAlgorithm class, in the MPS namespace

ENESIM_GENERAL.cpp/h Inherits the ENESIM cass from the MPSAlgorithm class, and has two methods:

ENESIM_GENERAL::startSimulation (inherited from MPSalgorithm

ENESIM_GENERAL contain implementation of ‘readConfiguration’ and ‘simulate’

ENESIM_GENERAL.h includes mpslib/ENESIM.h which contains the implementation of ‘readConfiguration’ and ‘simulate’ MPS::ENESIM_GENERAL::_simulate

mpslib/ENESIM.cpp/h implements the method MPS::ENESIM_GENERAL::_readConfigurations and the function ‘_getRealizationFromCpdfTiEnesimRejectionNonCo’ which is in effect what os evaluated in the MPS::ENESIM_GENERAL::_simulate

mps_genesim.cpp/h simple load the class and call the method ‘startSimulation’ which is defined in MPSalgorithm